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Scholarships and Awards won by our students
Alicia Martin, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Jeremy Dion, Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Collin Tower, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Jeremy Dion, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - PhD
Jeremy Dion, Harrison-Thompson Bursary
Mohammad Ahmadi, FGS Student Bursary
Collin Tower, The Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematics and Sciences
Mahdieh Gol Bashmani Moghadam, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship
Sara Monfared, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Sara Monfared, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Jeremy Dion, Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
S Parisa Torabi, Distinguished Graduate Student Award
Alicia Martin, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - PhD
Alicia Martin, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
James Frank, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc
Jeremy Dion, BU Alumni Assoc Entrance Scholarship
Mohammad Ahmadi, FGS Student Bursary
Collin Tower, The Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematics and Sciences
Mohammad Ahmadi, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship
Mahdieh Gol Bashmani Moghadam, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Mohammad Ahmadi, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Alicia Martin, Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Laila Obied, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - PhD
Alicia Martin, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Masters
Jeremy Dion, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Jordan Fazio, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc
Jeremy Dion, BU Alumni Assoc Entrance Scholarship
Hoda Talo, FGS Student Bursary
Sara Monfared, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship
S Parisa Torabi, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Mohammad Ahmadi, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Mathew Pula, Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Michelle Przedborski, Governor General's Gold Medal
Alicia Martin, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Masters
Jeremy Dion, Moriyama Graduate Fellowship
Jordan Fazio, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Samin Tajik, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc
Tahereh Afsharvvosoughi, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship
Mathew Pula, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Jordan Fazio, Moriyama Graduate Fellowship
Jordan Fazio, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Physics
Graeme Hales, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Physics
Michelle Przedborski, BU 50th Anniversary Scholarship
Thomas Beniac, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Masters
Michelle Przedborski, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - PhD
Susan Yee, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc
Darren Hicks, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - MSc
Michelle Przedborski, Distinguished Grad Student Award - PhD
Samin Tajik, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Tahereh Afsharvosoughi, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship Award
Michelle Przedborski, QEII-GSST
Mathew Pula, Tomlinson Entrance Award
Mathew Pula, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Darren Hicks, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Biljana Indovski, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Thomas Beniac, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Masters
Kevin Caslin, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - PhD in Physics
Andrew Cheesman, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc in Physics
Brad VanOosten, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - PhD
Darren Hicks, The Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematics and Sciences
Laila Obied, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Jory Korobanik, Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust
Samin Tajik, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Thomas Beniac, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Dana Xu, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship Award
Colin Vendromin, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Dmitry Pshenitsin, Thompson-Harrison Scholarship Award
Jon Aguilar, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Maryam Taheri, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Brad Van Oosten, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Kevin Caslin, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Brad Van Oosten, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Drew Marquardt, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - PhD
Aistis Januszko, Distinguished Graduate Student Award - MSc
Drew Marquardt, Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award
Jory Korobanik, Brock University Faculty Association Graduate Studies Award
Jory Korobanik, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Reza Siavashi, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Maryam Taheri, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Maryam Taheri, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Jory Korobanik, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Kevin Caslin, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Brad Van Oosten, Ontario Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Jill Eeuwes, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Undergraduate Biophysics
Laura Raaymakers, Colin Plint Scholarship
Graeme Hales, Lubrizol Canada Ltd. Scholarship - Physics
Elsa Chambers, Lubrozol Canada Ltd. Scholarship - Physics
Bill Truong, A. Stoddard Jones Scholarship - Physics
Jory Korobanik, President's Surgite Award - Physics Graduate
Jory Korobanik, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Dmitry Pshenitsin, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Reza Siavashi, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Peng Xiao, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Physics Graduate
Aistis Januszko, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Mariam Taheri, The Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Michelle Przedborski, NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Michelle Przedborski, Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award
Scott Rempel, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Undergraduate
Michael Sinclair, Colin Plint Scholarship
Derek Vaillancourt, Technology Group Award
Laura Raaymakers, Lubrizol Canada Ltd. Scholarship - Biophysics
Graeme Hales, Lubrozol Canada Ltd. Scholarship - Physics
Derek Vaillancourt, Burgoyne Family Scholarship
Scott Rempel, Physics Book Prize
Jill Eeuwes, A. Stoddard Jones Scholarship - Biophysics
Andrew Cheesman, Physics Book Prize
Jory Korobanik, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Mariam Taheri, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Jason Manson, Distinguished Graduating Student Award - Physics
Yousef Rohanizadegan, The Chancellor's Chairs' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Drew Marquardt, W. Garfield Weston Fellowship in Entrepreneurialization
Drew Marquardt, NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
Brad Van Oosten, Queen Elizabeth II - Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology
Egor Ospadov, Gail Neff Award
Michelle Przedborski, Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence
Drew Marquardt, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Sepedeh Pirasteh, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Maryam Taheri, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Michael Potalivo, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Maryam Taheri, Physics Faculty & Staff Graduate Bursary
Yousef Rohanizadegan, Chancellor's Chair' Graduate Scholarship in Physics
Drew Marquardt, Queen Elizabeth II - Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology
Ivana Komljenovic, Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medals
Michelle Przedborski, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Michelle Przedborski, Physics Book Prize
Jory Korobanik, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Artorix de la Cruz de Ona, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Ivana Komljenovic, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
M. Sedigh Ghamari, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Brandon DesRoches, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Mike Potalivo, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Mojtaba Hajialamdari, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Jory Korobanik, Physics Book Prize
Mojtaba Hajialamdari, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Mohammad Sedigh Ghamari, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Mojtaba Hajialamdari, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Michael Potalivo and Lee Rozema, Physics Book Prize
Lee Rozema, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Baochang Liu, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Shahab Jamali Gharetape, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Mojtaba Hajialamdari, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Andrae Blanchard and Patrick Reuvekamp, Physics Book Prize
Andrae Blanchard, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Shahab Jamali Gharetape, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Fatemeh Eftekhari, Ronald Brown Graduate Award
Nazanin Hossein-Khah, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Bao Chang Liu, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Rachel Faust, Physics Book Prize
Amirmohamad Keyvanloo, Governor-General's Gold Medal
Amirmohamad Keyvanloo, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Rebecca Menzies, Physics Book Prize
William Burgess, Canvision Optical Award
Qiuping Bian, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Qiuping Bian, Ronald Brown Graduate Award
Amir Keyvanloo, MSc with distinction
Avid Farhoodfar, Edgar and Irmgard Penner Scholarship
Gary Gabriel Fekete, Physics Book Prize
Gary Gabriel Fekete, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Avid Farhoodfar, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Rebecca Menzies, Canvision Optical Award
Rob Klassen, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Graeme Wardlaw, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Stanislav Ocadlik, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Andrew Davis, Canvision Optical Award
Stefan Larrass, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Giles Holland, Physics Book Prize
Rob Klassen, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Amir Keyvanloo, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Graeme Wardlaw, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Timothy Wadleigh, Canvision Optical Award
Scott Oldewening, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Allan Olley, Physics Book Prize
Gary Fekete, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Graeme Wardlaw, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Roshanak Teymoori, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Michael Bell, Canvision Optical Award
Gary Fekete, Goldsmith-Wyatt Mathematics and Science Scholarship
Miroslav Hornik, Governor-General's Gold Medal
Miroslav Hornik, MSc with distinction
Miroslav Hornik, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Michael Janzen, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Michael Janzen, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Michael Janzen, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Michael Janzen, Physics Book Prize
Stefan Larrass, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Henrich Ploczek, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Rodica Ellison, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Sarkis Y. Jacob, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Tyler Kerr, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Allan Olley, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Michael Bell, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Scott Oldewening, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Martin Snajdr, Governor-General's Gold Medal
Martin Snajdr, MSc with distinction
Martin Snajdr, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Graduate
Melissa Castle, MSc with distinction
Mylo Hildebrand, MSc with distinction
Mylo Hildebrand, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Mylo Hildebrand, OGS Graduate Scholarship
Miroslav Hornik, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarschip
Adan Brown Holden, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Anna Liesa Lapinski, Dean's Medal, Fac. of Mathematics and Science
Anna Liesa Lapinski, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Anna-Liesa Lapinski, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Anna-Liesa Lapinski, OGS Graduate Scholarship
Rodica Ellison, OGS Graduate Scholarship
Aaron Slepkov, Physics Book Prize
Aaron Slepkov, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Aaron Slepkov, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Michael Janzen, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Wesley Netchay, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Tyler Kerr, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Scott Oldewening, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Tomas Roch, MSc with distinction
Mylo Hildebrand, OGS Graduate Scholarship
Tim Taylor, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Martin Snajdr, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Adan Brown Holden, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Anna-Liesa Lapinski, John W. Bean and Kathryn Bean Becker Scholarship in Mathematics and Science
Anna-Liesa Lapinski, 25th Anniversary Scholarship in Mathematics and Science
Henning Rust, Distinguished Graduating Student Award for Physics - Undergraduate
Michael Janzen, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Aaron Slepkov, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Adan Brown Holden, Physics Book Prize
Peter Langfelder, Governor-General's Gold Medal
Peter Langfelder, MSc with distinction
Melissa Castle, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
Melissa Castle, OGS Graduate Scholarship
Melissa Castle, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Mylo Hildebrand, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
Tomas Roch, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
Martin Snajdr, Edgar and Irmgard Penner Award
Sarkis Yaghoubzadeh, Department of Physics Graduate Scholarship
Anna-Liesa Lapinski, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Aaron Slepkov, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
Michael Janzen, Niagara Credit Union Scholarship
Melissa Castle, Physics Book Prize
- Peter Langfelder, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Christopher Braun, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Aaron Slepkov, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Luciano Ieraci, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
- Luciano Ieraci, Physics Book Prize
- Andrej Dobos, Governor-General's Gold Medal
- Andrej Dobos, M.Sc. with distinction
- Stephanie Recker, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
- Peter Langfelder, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Melissa Castle, John W. Bean and Kathryn Bean Becker Scholarship
- Melissa Castle, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Judith Baranowski, NSERC Targeted Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Tatiana Startseva, M.Sc. with distinction
- Tatiana Startseva, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
- Tatiana Startseva, OGS Graduate Scholarship
- Robert Pinnegar, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
- Andre Dobos, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Melissa Castle, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Melissa Castle, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Luciano Ieraci, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Lora Ramunno, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Peter Belohorec, Governor-General's Gold Medal
- James R. Murdoch, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
- Andrej Dobos, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Melissa Castle, Birks Family Foundation Scholarship
- Melissa Castle, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Paul Guse, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Kimberley Hall, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Lora Ramunno, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Matthew Walsh, Best Matches Challenge '94 Student Employment/Experience Development (SEED)
- Tatiana Startseva, OGS Graduate Scholarship
- Tatiana Startseva, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Michael Burns, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Paul Guse, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Kimberley Hall, NSERC Targeted Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Peter Arberg, Governor-General's Gold Medal
- Son Ha Nguyen, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
- Son Ha Nguyen, OGS Graduate Scholarship
- Peter Belohorec, Thompson-Harrison Graduate Scholarship
- Barmak Shemirani, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Baldev Ahluwalia, NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
- Baldev Ahluwalia, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Son Ha Nguyen, Vice-Chancellor's Medal
- Son Ha Nguyen, Richard L. Hearn Scholarship
- Ronald Snelgrove, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Barmak Shemirani, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Barmak Shemirani, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Janice Longo, Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- Son Ha Nguyen, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Peter Arberg, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarshp
- Nouri M. Elmiladi, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- A. Elezzabi, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Nouri M. Elmiladi, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Anthony G. Basile, NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
- Anthony G. Basile, Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- A. Elezzabi, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Nouri M. Elmiladi, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Heather Rodman, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Anthony G. Basile, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Maria S. Fiorucci, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- K.K. Lai, NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award
- Janice Longo, NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award
- Fred Shanes, Lubrizol of Canada Scholarship
- Eric Kelusky, Physics Book Prize
- Arthur Manz, Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- Frank A. Benko,
Physics Book Prize
- Dennis Hobbs, Physics Book Prize
- Kenneth R. Degazio, Physics Book Prize
- Ms. I.A. Friesen, Physics Book Prize
- Fulvio P. Boseglav, Physics Book Prize
- Martin Vanderschans, Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- David I. Enns, Physics Book Prize
- Eric Kelusky, Physics Book Prize
- James Hiscott, BSc, Governor-General's Gold Medal