Home > History
- New Brock research explores time travel paradoxes. 2021.12.15
- Bryn Crandles and Connor Wilson are top graduates of 2021, winners of the Governor General Silver medal. 2021.10.16
- Dr.Ivana Komljenovic-Metcalf receives the 2020-21 Distinguished Staff Award. 2021.03.05
- Prof. Bozidar Mitrovic is now a Professor Emeritus, after 38 years of service. 2021.03.01
- John A. Moore R.I.P. 2020.12.09
- David Grimes, Physics BSc ('75) named to the Order of Canada. 2020.12.01
- Ramesh C. Shukla R.I.P. 2020.11.09
- Take-home Physics labs have made the Brock News. 2020.11.12
- Collin Tower and Kraig Helmeczi earn Governor General Silver Medals at Fall Convocation. 2020.10.20
- iOLab online, our new data acquisition and analysis software is released. 2020.09.03
- Prof.K.Samokhin's paper is an Editors Suggestion at Phys Rev B, the second time in less than a year, 2020.06.29
- Physics courses during the COVID-19 pandemic are mostly online 2020.07.01
- Minor in Engineering Science launches. See how to apply at the link. 2020.03.01
- Physics department donates its idle computers to fight Covid19 via Folding@Home. 2020.04.13 (Thanks Tim Ribaric and Brad Saxton)
- CFI funding for a new SEM has been received, by F.S.Razavi, M.Reedyk, and D.Crandles. 2019.08.14
- Prof. K.Samokhin's paper is an Editors Suggestion at Phys Rev B, 2019.08.02
- WMO honours outgoing President David Grimes, a Brock Physics graduate (BSc '75), and a Distinguished Alumnus, after an eight-year term 2019.06.19
- Newsflash: A physics master’s degree opens doors to myriad careers. 2019.04
- Congratulations to Ivana Komljenovic-Metcalf on defending her PhD thesis!. 2018.12.18
- Michelle Przedborski receives the 2017-18 Governor General’s Gold Medal Award. 2018.06.08
- Brock PhD grad Drew Marquardt featured on CBC Windsor. Canada is experiencing a neutron shortage — here's why that matters. 2018.04.06
- Alicia Martin's thesis research is profiled in Research Matters and in Brock News. 2017.10.17
- Ashley Brauweiler
(BSc '10), a CBC North’s on-camera meteorologist, is combining her love of weather with a degree in physics from Brock. 2017.09.08
- Prof. Shyamal Bose is appointed the new Associate Dean of undergraduate programs for Math and Science 2017.07.01
- Physics Today reports that Physics bachelors continue to snag good-paying, satisfying jobs 2017.05.19
- Prof. Mitrovic (Distinguished Teaching Award) and Prof. Harroun (Dean’s Distinguished Scholar Award) are honored at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Excellence Awards 2017.01
- It's the 30th anniversary of the first Canadian high-Tc superconductor 2016.12
- Prof. Harroun is elected President of the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering (CINS); research into the role of Vitamin E is highlighted. 2016.10
- Michelle Przedborski's video is in the top 40 of NSERC-sponsored Science, Action! 2017 competition! Vote it up, people! 2017.02.02
- Prof. T.Harroun is the 2016 recipient of the Faculty of Math and Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award. 2016.04.18
- Dr. David William Lepard, a former member of the Department. R.I.P. 2016.04.01
- Brock Institute for Scientific Computing has been renewed for another five-year term. 2016.03
- Brock physicists receive the Canadian Journal of Physics Best Paper Award for 2015 2016.02.25
- Prof. T.Harroun and Prof. D.Crandles 2016 Faculty of Math and Science Excellence Awards 2016.01
- We now have a Physics Blog! 2015.09.14
- An AIP survey finds that Physics graduates enjoy high earnings and intellectual satisfaction in their careers. 2015.07.03
- Prof. Santo D'Agostino receives Faculty of Mathematics and Science Excellence in Teaching Award 2015.06
- David Grimes (BSc '75) re-elected World Meteorological Organization President. 2015.06.05
- Congratulations to Jory Korobanik, a Physics PhD student, and the recipient of both Brock University Faculty Association Graduate Studies Award, and Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust. 2015.04.20
- MSMP, a new international M.Sc. in Materials Physics has received final approval from Ontario Universities' Council! 2015.04
- Prof. Harroun wins the 2015 Graduate Mentorship Award, from the Faculty of Graduate Studies 2015.04
- Physics receives three of the 11 Faculty of Math and Science Excellence Awards 2015.02
- PacifiChem 2015 is holding a special Quantum Monte Carlo Symposium in honour of Prof. S. Rothstein. 2015.12
- Brad Van Oosten wins award for best poster demonstrating best use of high performance computing at Sharcnet Research Day. 2013.05.16
- Michelle Przedborski, our Ph.D. student, wins a prestigious Vanier Graduate Scholarship. This is Department's second Vanier in two years! 2013.03.28
- Drew Marquardt is in Brock News, for making good use of his W.Garfield Weston Fellowship in Entrepreneurialization. 2013.03
- Adjunct Professor Ole Steuernagel's groundbreaking paper on Wigner Flow is Editor's Choice and on the cover of this week's PRL. 2013.01.13
- Lee Rozema, BSc'08, is testing the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and made the cover ofBBC Science & Environment News, 2012.09.07
- Michelle Przedborski, our Ph.D. student, fronts a performance by the pH Six in the Jubilee Court. 2013.07
- Maryam Taheri, our Ph.D. student, wins the best poster in Condensed Matter and the top Women in Physics award at the CAP'12 Congress in Calgary 2012.06.15
- Baldev Ahluwalia, B.Sc. 1993, is inducted into the Brock Athletics Hall of Fame on 2012.06.16
- Drew Marquardt, our Ph.D. student, wins a prestigious Vanier Graduate Scholarship. 2012.04.03
- David Grimes '75, head of Environment Canada's Meteorological Service, President of the World Meteorological Organization is now Brock's Alumnus of Distiction. 2012.03
- Aaron Slepkov, B.Sc. 1999, is a new Canada Research Chair in the Physics of Biomaterials @ Trent U., with a $500,000 start-up grant 2011.10
- Prof. B.Mitrovic is the recipient of 2011 Excellence in Teaching award! 2011.06
- Drew Marquardt, grad student, performs the 1100th NSERC-supported User Experiment at the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre. 2011.05.27
- David Grimes (Brock BSc in Physics, 1975, under E.R.Cowley), the head of Environment Canada's Meteorological Service, is elected President of the World Meteorological Organization. 2011.05.25
- Biljana Indovski and Maryam Taheri awarded funding to participate in the Perimeter Institute's Women in Physics Canada conference
- Congratulations, Prof. Bose! 2011.06.28
- Congratulations, Prof. Razavi! (2010-07-17)
- Physics team at the Science Soccer 2010
- Ph.D. in Physics to start in September, 2010
- A new course, PHYS 5P74, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, is to be offered May 10-21, 2010.
- A new course, PHYS 4P62, Modern Wave Optics: Optical Tweezers to Atom Clouds is offered in D3 for the first time. Photonics majors, take note!
- Willard S. Boyle, a Canadian physicist, shares the 2009 Nobel Prize for his invention of CCD technology. 2009-10-06.
- Prof. Fereidoon Razavi is the 2008 Chancellor's Chair for Research Excellence
- Dr. Reinhard Kremer joins the Physics Department
- A workshop for highschool Physics teachers, June 4, 2008
- Prof. Edward Sternin receives the 2008 Distinguished Teaching Award of the Faculty of Math and Sciences
- High school enrichment program in Physics started (February, 2008)
- B.Sc. Honours degree in Physics with concentration in Appli
ed Optics and Laser Technology started (September, 2007)
- Garry Timco receives the 2006 NRC Outstandi
ng Achievement Award
- Stuart Bell: Brock Physics student reaches for the stars
- Biophysics program started (September, 2006)
- Brock was host to CAP'06 (June, 2006)
- Student Award Winners
- Departmental Seminars
- John Kamendy (CAST'02), Athlete of the Year, @ Universiade'03 in Korea
- Frank Benko named the Senior TA of 2004
A brief history of the Department of Physics